Another Good Reason To Avoid Attorney And Chiropractor Solicitations After An Auto Accident

It's no secret that we have railed against some attorneys and firms who "solicit" injury victims after an auto accident. These tactics range from offensive to shady (the practice of hiding behind third party "injury help centers" that call victims and steer them to chiropractors and attorneys with questionable sales pitches), and some are downright illegal.

We don't do any of this stuff and we're proud of that, even if it means less business for us.

But now the newest mutation in the solicitation shenanigans: A Florida hospital employee has been arrested in allegedly stealing patient information and records from over 760,000 patient records and selling all of it to attorneys and chiropractors.  My guess is that these records involved various accidents or other calamities.

Every time I think that these practices can't sink any lower, something as astonishing as this comes along. The employee was just recently arrested, so it could get very interesting down the road as federal investigators follow the paper trail and blow the lid off of this powderkeg.

It's gotten to the point that accident victims really can't trust any post-accident phone calls or "inquiries" about their collision, nor should they. Just how can accident victims make an informed and intelligent choice amongst a sea of letters, brochures, DVD's,  numerous phone calls, and now, possibly stolen patient information???

It used to be that picking an attorney or firm out of the phone book was the equivalent of Russian Roulette. Post-accident solicitation is now the new form of this dangerous game.

The good news: over 95% of Ohio personal injury attorneys do not engage in these practices. And word of mouth is still a tried and true method of choosing competent attorneys in this dizzying and sometimes suspect maze.


>> Living Cost in Denmark

Living Cost in Denmark varies place to place and universities to universities. However, in average the cost of living for international students in Denmark is approximately 4400-6600 Danish Krone (DKK) which is almost equivalent to 640-800 Euros. This cost of living the expenses for students for one month duration. The cost of living in Copenhagen will be more than that in other Danish villages and town. It is because Copenhagen, the Danish capital has higher living cost than in other places of Denmark.
To minimize living costs, students can cook their own food. If students rent the Residence hall, then kitchens will be ready for them.
Brief estimated Amounts for Living Cost in Denmark includes:
Services Cost
Accommodation for Students 1900-2500 DKK
Food and other Necessities 1800-2400 DKK
Telephone 200 DKK
Leisure 500-1500 DKK
These estimations are done depending upon various factors. However, these may not be accurate. There for estimate your budget keeping quite more costs than listed here.


>> Universities list


>> Fanancial Aids

New Scholarship program is launched by the Danish Ministry of Education for highly qualified, deserving and self motivated students from outside the European Union and the European Economic Area.  Scholarship and Tuition Fee Waiver is awarded for a full degree or for part of a degree at undergraduate level for certain study programs only. The minimum duration of a scholarship and tuition fee waiver is one academic year and is awarded only to full time studies.
Universities and educational institutions may have their own scholarship and tuition fee waiver programs or any other subsidy for international student. Students are requested to visit the respective institution’s official website for more information regarding awards, tuition fee waiver, and scholarship programs.
International students fulfilling all the admission procedures, if are not residents of Twenty Five European Union Member States and have not carried out the studies and work activities for more than a 12 months over the last five years in EEA-EFTA states are also eligible to apply for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship. This scholarship can also be applied for completing certain portion of master’s degree from Danish educational institutions and certain portion from any other European union member countries.
Students from following 18 countries of Latin America: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela can also apply for an Alban Scholarship.
Also, American students may apply for a Fulbright scholarship to study in Denmark in scholarship, please check the website of The Denmark-American Foundation and the Fulbright Commission.
PhD students and researchers are suggested to visit The Researcher's Mobility Website for information on scholar programs.
EU-database Ploteus can be useful for EU students as well as Outsiders for finding new scholarship option.


>> Visa process

In order to be granted a residence permit student must document:
  • That they have been admitted to a higher educational program which has been approved by a state authority or which is offered by a publicly accredited institute of learning.
  • That student can support themselves for the duration of their stay in Denmark. If they are to pay a tuition fee, they must document that they have paid the tuition fee for the first semester or year, instead of documenting that they can support themselves.
  • That student can speak and understand the language of instruction and have a working knowledge of Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, English or German.
Student’s participation in the educational program must have been arranged by a ministry or institution of higher learning or the educational program must be part of a post-secondary educational program which they have already commenced in their country of origin. In other words, they may be granted a residence permit either in order to complete an entire educational program or in order to follow part of a program as a guest student.
Normally, student must have obtained a residence permit before entering Denmark. They can submit their application in their country of origin (or in the country where they have resided permanently for the past three months). Students are required to submit their application at the Danish diplomatic mission (embassy or consulate general) in their country of origin.
Documents Required for Submitting Application
  • A copy of a valid passport or other form of legitimate travel documentation issued to them.
  • A passport photo. The photo must be 35 mm x 45 mm (size of head 30-36 mm from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head). They must be facing the camera directly.
  • Original documentation showing that they have been accepted at an educational institution. Please note that the original letter of acceptance must be attached to the application - copies will not be accepted.
  • If they have been accepted at a post-secondary educational program and have to pay a tuition fee, they must attach documentation that this has been paid for the first semester or school year.
  • If student is at a basic or youth education program, prerequisite course, folk high school, or if you are a guest student at a post-secondary educational program, or any other study where they are not to pay a tuition fee, they must attach documentation that they can support themselves during their stay. The required amount is DKK 4,200 per month, and the documentation can be a bank statement, evidence of a grant or scholarship, or similar. Please note that a bank statement could come from a foreign bank, if they submit a first-time application from abroad. (However, if they are from Bangladesh, Benin, Cameroun, Ghana, India, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan or Togo, the bank statement must be from a Danish bank or a bank in another EU country.) If student submit a first-time application from Denmark, then the bank statement must be from a Danish bank or a bank in another EU country. The same applies if student are applying for an extension of their residence permit on the grounds that they have been accepted for a new course of study.
  • If student is at a folk high school or at a basic or youth education program, they must attach documentation that applicable student fees have been paid. If student fees are to be paid in installments, subsequent to arrival in Denmark, they must attach documentation showing that they have the financial means to make these payments for the current school year.
Processing Application
When the Immigration Service has received  application for a residence permit, it will evaluate it along with the enclosed documentation. In addition, the Immigration Service will check to find out if they have been reported to the Schengen Information System (SIS).

If the Immigration Service receives information that does not correspond with the information they provided, they will normally be asked to explain discrepancies before the Immigration Service rules in the case.

Once the Immigration Service has received all necessary information relating to their application, it will rule in the case.
Receive the Ruling
Immigration Service will send the ruling to the diplomatic mission where student submitted their application. The diplomatic mission will then forward it to student’s home address, or request them to pick it up in person.
Processing Time
In an average, it takes about 60 days for the application to be processed.
Length of Residence Permits Granted
The duration of student residence permit depends on whether they are going to complete an entire education program, or only follow part of a program as a guest student.

If they are to complete an entire program, they will be granted a residence permit for the duration of the program.

If, on the other hand, students are only to follow part of a program, the residence permit will be granted for at maximum of two years.

It is a condition for the residence permit that students are active and enrolled in the educational program. If this is not the case, the Immigration Service can revoke their residence permit. The educational institution is obliged to inform the Immigration Service if they are not actively following the educational program.


>> Admission

Depending upon the level of study and the program chosen, the admission requirements, application procedures and deadline for submitting application may vary in Denmark.
Admission Requirements
Admission requirements vary according to level of study and program chosen. The requirements for admission are listed with respect to study level below:
Undergraduate Programs
International students are eligible for admission to undergraduate programs if they hold qualifications comparable to a Danish qualifying examination.
It is advised to contact the respected institution where they would like to seek admission in order to hear more about their specific admission requirements as admission requirement may also vary institution to institution.
All programs require a high proficiency in English. For admission to programs in Danish, student must also prove sufficient command of Danish by taking The Study test of Danish as a Foreign or The Danish Test 2. Some programs may even require that student have passed The Danish Test. Moreover, some of the study programs have additional admission requirements, such as specific subjects or level of subjects, practical work experience etc.
Post Graduate Programs
Admission requirements for master programs are:
  1. An internationally recognized bachelor's degree of good standard or equivalent qualifications
  2. Proficiency in English
  3. Proficiency in Danish if the program is taught in Danish.
PhD Programs
Admission requirements for PhD studies are at least a master level qualification recognized internationally.
Admission Procedures
The application procedures and deadlines may vary according to level of study, program chosen and from institution to institution.
Degree programs
If student wish to take a full degree at a higher education institution in Denmark, they should require information about entrance qualifications, supplementary tests and the possibilities of transfer of credits from the admission offices at the institutions, where they seek admission.
Undergraduate studies
The deadline for admission in August or September is the 15th of March. A few institutions also offer admission in January or February with deadline the 1st of September. The application forms are available at the institutions about 2 months before deadline.
Postgraduate studies
The deadlines for the different programs vary, and student should therefore always contact the relevant institution for further information.
For further information, please contact the higher education institutions directly.
Summer University
Several higher education institutions offer summer courses taught in English. The application deadlines for summer university courses vary, and student should therefore contact the relevant institution for further information.
Note: Each institution is responsible for admission. Student are therefore requested to contact the educational institution where they are seeking admission for information about entrance qualifications, supplementary tests, and the possibilities of transfer of credits. The admission offices at the institutions will provide all information requested by student.



Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen, Denmark COUNTRY FACTS
Capital:          Copenhagen
Population:     5,384,384
Area:             43,094 sq km
Language:      Danish, Faroese, German
Religion:         Protestant, Roman Catholic
Continent:      Europe


Denmark is one of the emerging educational hubs in Europe because of its high academic standards and modern teaching methodology for many international students. The modern social welfare state with its good research based learning atmosphere, interdisciplinary studies and project-based activities along with clean and safe environment and attractive business atmosphere made it more popular destination among international student.Danish higher education has historical academic traditions that merge excellence in teaching methods and learning environments with a dynamic and innovative culture in research. In most of the Danish educational institutions, not only students are provided the lectures but are also grouped together for the discussions in their related subject matter, expecting each of them to actively contribute for the betterment of the world. Along with their academic studies, students also learn to work independently. They become able to think critically on any issues and solve the subject matter with analytical initiatives.



Living Cost for International Students in Canada
Here are some typical costs for living in Canada:
Bus Fare One Way (local) $2.00
Local Telephone Call $0.25
Average Restaurant Meal $10.00 - 25.00 per person
Movie $8.50
Letter within Canada $0.46
International Postage (letter) $0.95
Some provinces apply a provincial tax levy to goods and services. All provinces must apply the federal Goods & Services Tax (GST) of seven per cent to most purchases. As a visitor, a portion of the GST may be refunded to you upon your departure from Canada. There are restrictions that apply and you must provide original receipts. Contact Revenue Canada or your school for further information. GST refund forms can be obtained at the information counters at airports and at most shopping malls.
Note: On an average, an Indian student will need approximately Rs 5 lakhs per year for studying in Canada, depending upon your tuition fees and location
Hostelling is a temporary and inexpensive way to stay in major cities. Accommodation is basic but economical, and primary facilities (toilets, baths and kitchens) are shared. Rates are calculated daily, and costs are less than other accommodation choices.

Average cost of a room in a hostel: $10 - $20 CDN per night.

The YWCA/YMCA hotels are also inexpensive, clean, safe and comfortable. Many of these establishments also have pools and fitness centres. Keep in mind, though, that hostels and YWCA/YMCAs fill up quickly during the summer months, so you should plan ahead. Average cost of a room in a YWCA/YMCA: $24 - $45 CDN per night.

Many schools have accommodation conveniently located on or near their campus. Rooms can vary in size and in quality, and many dormitories have shared kitchens, toilets, showers and laundry facilities. There is usually an option of having either a shared or private room, and dormitories are usually separated by gender. In some cases, there are cafeterias and meal plans that can be included in the cost of the room. Most dormitories come furnished, and are an ideal way to become involved in campus activities and meet other students.

Average cost of residence/dormitory rooms: $3,000 - $7,500 CDN per school year. For more information, contact the school you will be attending.
Home stays
Many Canadian families welcome international students. This may be an effective way for you learn about daily life in Canada, and meet new, friendly people. Home stays also offer a more stable and secure environment for younger people coming to study in Canada. Typically, a home stay consists of a Canadian family hosting a student in their home while the student attends classes in Canada. Meals and a private, furnished room are provided in the home, and the host family welcomes and encourages participation in family and community activities.

Average cost of home stay accommodation: $400 - $800 CDN per month.
Off-Campus Housing
Renting is an option open to students, but price, quality and availability vary greatly. Rents are often quite high in the major cities, and places are not always available. Many students share accommodation to keep costs down and usually find places to meet their needs and preferences. Many schools offer an off-campus housing service, which can provide affordable listings that are near the campus. At this service centre, those seeking shared accommodations can also find roommates. Once on campus, you will often find a variety of postings throughout the campus advertising nearby housing, but it is always best to make arrangements before coming to Canada.

There are different types of places you can rent as an international student. A house is usually too expensive for one student to rent, but many students share or rent suites (a self-contained unit with a kitchen, toilet, bath and bedroom) within a larger home.
Apartments are another option, where one has a kitchen, toilet, bath, and one or two bedrooms. Most rental apartments do not include furniture or meals. Some, however, include the cost of heat and/or electricity in the rent.

Listings of available apartments or homes are published in local newspapers. It is the responsibility of the student to determine suitability as schools do not inspect these places nor can they make any other arrangements. Most landlords require a damage deposit and rent is paid on a monthly basis in cash or by cheque.


>> List of Canedian universities


  • Athabasca University

  • Augustana University College

  • Concordia University College of Alberta

  • University of Alberta

  • University of Calgary

  • University of Lethbridge

  • British Columbia

  • British Columbia Open University

  • Okanagan University College

  • Royal Roads University

  • Simon Fraser University

  • The University of British Columbia

  • Trinity Western University

  • University College of the Cariboo

  • University College of the Fraser Valley

  • University of Northern British Columbia

  • University of Victoria

  • Vancouver Island University

  • Manitoba
    1. Brandon University
    2. Collège universitaire de SaintBoniface
    3. The University of Manitoba
    4. The University of Winnipeg
    New Brunswick
    1. St. Thomas University
    2. Mount Allison University
    3. Université de Moncton
    4. University of New Brunswick
    1. Memorial University of Newfoundland
    Nova Scotia
    1. Acadia University
    2. Dalhousie University
    3. Mount Saint Vincent University
    4. Nova Scotia Agricultural College
    5. Nova Scotia College of Art and Design
    6. St. Francis Xavier University
    7. Saint Mary's University
    8. University College of Cape Breton
    9. University of King's College
    10. Université SainteAnne
    1. Brescia College
    2. Brock University
    3. Carleton University
    4. Collège dominicain de philosophie et de théologie
    5. Huron College
    6. King's College
    7. Lakehead University
    8. Laurentian University of Sudbury
    9. McMaster University
    10. Nipissing University
    11. Queen's University at Kingston
    12. Redeemer College
    13. Royal Military College of Canada/ Collège militaire royal du Canada
    14. Ryerson Polytechnic University
    15. St. Jerome's University
    16. Saint Paul University / Université Saint Paul
    17. Trent University
    18. University of Toronto
    19. University of Guelph
    20. University of Ottawa / Université d'Ottawa
    21. University of Trinity College
    22. University of Sudbury / Université de Sudbury
    23. University of St. Michael's College
    24. University of Waterloo
    25. University of Western Ontario
    26. University of Windsor
    27. Victoria University
    28. Wilfrid Laurier University
    29. York University
    Prince Edward Island
    1. University of Prince Edward Island
    1. Bishop's University
    2. Concordia University
    3. École des Hautes Études Commerciales
    4. École Polytechnique de Montréal
    5. École nationale d'administration publique
    6. École de technologie supérieure
    7. Institut national de la recherche scientifique
    8. McGill University
    9. Téléuniversité
    10. Université Laval
    11. Université de Montréal
    12. Université du Québec à Hull
    13. Université du Québec
    14. Université du Québec en AbitibiTémiscamingue
    15. Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
    16. Université du Québec à Montréal
    17. Université du Québec à Rimouski
    18. Université du Québec à TroisRivières
    19. Université de Sherbrooke
    1. Campion College
    2. Luther College
    3. Saskatchewan Indian Federated College
    4. St. Thomas More College
    5. The University of Regina
    6. University of Saskatchewan


    >>Financial aids

    Types of Assistance
    Merit based assistance is awarded in many forms, from tuition waivers, various types of assistantships, to fellowships. The most common are listed here :
    1. Tuition Waiver : This means that the student does not have to pay the tuition fees at the university. However, general fees (for the use of university facilities like the library, computers, and sports and health services) usually have to be borne by the student. A tuition waiver is frequently awarded in conjunction with a scholarship or teaching/research assistantship.
    2. Assistantship : Most students who receive assistance do so in the form of an assistantship, i.e. is usually a cash stipend, sufficient for their living expenses, and/or tuition waiver, in return for which they have to work for a maximum of 20 hours per week which normally consists of teaching or other activities. Teaching assistantships are more likely to be in universities, which have large undergraduate classes whereas research assistantships tend to be more common in those fields and universities in which considerable research is going on. Information brochures of most universities give this information.
    Who Should Apply?
    Students will have a greater chance of getting financial aid if they :
    1. Show evidence of a high level of academic achievement
    2. Achieve high Standardized Examination scores (GMAT, TOEFL etc.)
    3. Specialize in a field or have a research interest which parallels that of the department and faculty or private funding source (which increases opportunities for research assistantships and grants)
    4. Have outstanding letter of recommendation and an impressive statement of purpose.
    Very few international students get any kind of assistantships and most people get it after reaching there. So you have to arrange for funds for the first few semesters, at least till the time you can arrange something there.


    >>Who doesn't need to obtain student visa in Canada

    There are several criteria drawn by the Government of Canada for students who don't require to obtain student visa to study in Canada. These criteria are mentioned below:
    • Students from Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Botswana, Brunei, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Israel (National Passport holders only), Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Republic of Latvia, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Portugal, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, San Marino, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Spain, Swaziland, Sweden, Slovenia, Switzerland, United States, and Western Samoa don't require to have Canadian student visa to study in Canada.
    • Students who are the permanent resident of United States who hold a Green Card or can present any evidence which show they belong permanently to USA.
    • Students who are the citizens of United Kingdom, either they are in UK or are staying abroad but legally can return back and stay in UK.
    • Students who have a valid Special Administrative Region passport issued by the Government of the Hong Kong.
    If you meet any of the above criteria, then students don't need to have Study permit or Canadian student visa to study in Canada
    Documents Required for Study Permits in Canada
    There are several documents that students will have to present to obtain Student visa for Canada. Those documents are listed below:
    • Completed Application for Study permits
    • A valid passport
    • Two photos of the students and each of the family members. The photograph must not be more that six month old. Back of the photo, the name and date of birth of the person appearing in the photo should be written
    • Proof that shows the educational institution has accepted the student for admission in their institution
    • Evidence of sufficient funds to overcome all the living expenses and study costs in Canada
    • Bank transaction statement of last four months
    • Proof of payment of fee in acceptable format. This format varies according to country and region. However, the most general method is presenting it through Bank Draft
    • Evidence that show students have no criminal records
    • Students from some nations may even need to present medical reports
    • Any other documents that may help for obtaining a Student visa for Canada
    Who need to have Medical Reports
    Students from Admiralty Islands, Afghanistan, Algeria, American Samoa, Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Ascension, Austral Islands, Azerbaijan, Azores, Bahamas, Bahrain, Balearic Islands, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belau, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bora Bora, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canary Islands, Cap Vert, Central African Rep. , Chad, Chagos Archipelago, China, Cook Islands, Cooz Islands, Colombia, Comoros - Islamic Federal Republic, Congo - Democratic Republic (Kinshasa), Christmas Island, Congo Republic, Croatia, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Easter Island, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Fiji, French Guiana, French Polynesia, Gabon Republic, Gambia, Gambier Islands, Georgia, Paris, Guam, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, Huahine Island, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Loyalty Islands, Marquesas Islands, Marshall Islands, Midway Islands, New Guinea Islands, Ivory Coast, Johnston Atoll, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kerguelen Islands, Kiribati, Kosrae, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lesotho, Liberia, Lithuania, Macao, Macedonia, Madagascar , Madeira, Maio, Makatea, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali Republic, Maupiti, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Mongolia, Moorea, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, New Britain, New Caledonia, New Guinea Mainland, New Hebrides, New Ireland, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Niue Island, North Korea, Northern Mariana, Northern Sinai, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Ponape, Portugal, Raiatea, Reunion, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Sabah, Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic, Sao Tome e Principe, Sarawak, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Society Archipelago, Solomon Islands, Somali Republic, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, St. Helena, Sudan, Surinam, Swaziland, Syria, Tahaa, Tahiti, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tibet, Tokelau Islands, Togo, Tonga, Tristan Da Cunha, Truk Island, Tuamotu Archipelago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, U.S. Trust Territory of Pacific Island, Uganda, Ukraine, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Wake Island, Wallis and Futuna, Western Sahara, Western Samoa, Yap Islands, Yemen, Yugoslavia, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
    Visa Application Fee
    The visa processing fee is $125 per application for Canadian Student visa. The method of paying this fee varies country to country. For visa fee payment, personal cheque cannot be used.
    Visa processing time for Canadian Student Visa
    The processing time varies depending upon the individual case for the individual applicants. The processing time for Canadian student visa may be from a week to months long.


    Study in Canada

               COUNTRY FACTS
    Capital:    Ottawa
    Population:    32,207,113
    Area:    9,970,610 sq km
    Language:    English, French
    Religion:    Roman Catholic, Anglican
    Continent:    North America


    A United Nations survey has found Canada to be the best place in the world to live. This assessment was based upon Canada's achievements in terms of educational attainment, life expectancy, national income and general quality of life. Conducted every year, the survey evaluates quality of life in 174 countries, using over 200 performance indicators. Canada earned particularly high marks for its access to education, high life expectancy (due to universal health care system); and low crime and violence rates. Canada's prime cities Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal have been recognized as world class cities to live and work, for cleanliness, safety, cultural activities and attractive lifestyles.
    Canada's education system is excellent and ranks among the best in the world. Moreover Canadian tuition fees are among the lowest in English-speaking countries

    Though admission process and requirements vary from institution to institution in Canada, here we'll discuss about the most general procedures and requirements to get admission in Canadian universities.
    When you select a university or college where you wish to study your required course, write to the institution's respective admission department asking for more information on admission requirements and admission application forms. After you enquire, the admission department will send you the documents required by the university and other requirements for admitting you into their university. These documents may be your academic, character, and financial evidences that show you are the deserving candidate for admission in the respective university. Every university has right to mark their own requirements to admit students into their institution.
    The major languages used in Canada are English and French. Bust most of the universities offer courses in English language. So you need to show your efficiency by means of English Language tests. IELTS is most widely recognized and accepted English language test in Canada, however, some universities even accepts TOEFL. The score that you must obtain in these language tests vary from institution to institution and course of study students choose. Some universities even seek for other medium of English language test assessment, which might even be Canadian Academic English Language (CAEL) assessment. All these assessments test the ability of students to take the course in English language.
    For admission in undergraduate level, student must have completed twelve years of academic education, but for postgraduate level it is sixteen years. If you've done three years of bachelor's course then you'll have to do diploma for one year in Canada to be eligible to study in Canada as postgraduate student.
    For management students, students may be asked for two years of work experience before being admitted to the university. In most of the cases GMAT is compulsory for MBA students.
    Though education isn't free in Canada, tuition fees are cheaper in compare to other similar nations like UK, USA, and Australia.
     Visa process:

    The student visa in Canada is most commonly known as Study permit. Either a student need to obtain or don't need to obtain Canadian study permit depends upon the country of residence of the student. Students from most of the countries need to obtain Canadian student visa to study in Canada, but students from some countries don't have to obtain any Student visa to study in Canada.
