How to prepare for your Exam

Planning and Time management.

A well-known saying is “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. Planning and time management is a key to success. It helps you to complete your course in time and save time for revision. If you don’t plan and study haphazardly, there are more chances that you may not be able to complete your course before exam.
How a student can plan properly? It is easy. First of all, see that how many subjects are included in your course. How many chapters, lessons and exercises are there in each subject? How much time is available for completing your course? For instance, you are a student of semester system, you have six months for preparation exam. Make a plan for your study, how to complete the entire course in the available time. Divide the total time (months, days or hours) on the contents of each subject. Do exclude a month (better the last month of session) for final revision for exam. Write down this plan on a sheet. Such plan is called schedule or syllabus. Make a time table having time for each subject on daily basis. Paste your plan and time table on wall in front of your study chair or study place. Start to follow it.

          Frankly speaking, you can study a book having 15 chapters in a single week if you have the strong determination. I mean to say, always be particular about your precious resource, the time, and have strong determination, if you want to be a successful student.

Regular classes and studies.

            Regularity and perseverance are basic elements of effective study and signs of successful student. Study should always be kept maintained. Study for a day and giving up it for some days and then starting again, is not a good way. You must study regularly (without pauses of days) in order to succeed. Regular study helps you in two ways. First it relieves you from wastage of time and second, the most important one, you have food for thought in your mind from previous lesson or topic which helps you in learning the next lesson or topic easily. All the lessons are inter-related. You should study regularly so that you have your previous learning fresh in your mind which helps in learning next lesson with perfection and in less time comparatively.
Similar is the case of attending classes.

Making Good Notes.

Making useful and helpful notes is important part of your preparation for Examination. It helps in fast learning and fast revision. It saves your time when you read it in future. Notes can be made from many sources but the main two sources are as follows,
      • Teacher’s lecture
      • Books and guides

Be alert while sitting in classroom. Listen to the lecture with full heed. Extract from the lecture, the important and helpful information, and main ideas which teacher want to convey to you. Write it down on a paper.
Similarly be focused on ideas of your lesson while you study. Read each sentence with full heed and extract from them, the important and helpful information, and main ideas. Write it on a paper. Finally shape your notes in a good way so that it can be effectively used in future for re-learning and revision.

 Revision is must.

        Revision is an indispensable part of preparation for exam. Revision helps learning to mature. You complete your course and you learn well but it is not the end of it. You should revise it again and again. It is a fact, if you study a chapter well and don’t revise it, the learning you have in your mind from first study will vanish with the passage of time. If you don’t revise for a month, it is more likely you may forget it after a month or two. It needs to revise it again and again for keeping it in mind for a long time.
          Revision does not take much time because you have already learnt it but you revise to refresh your learning.
          Another advantage, each time you revise you learn more and you get new ideas. You should have a month (usually last month) in your schedule for final revision for exam, if you want to score really. Final revision is very much important.

Study all – Avoid selective study.

Selective study is a risk-taking activity for a student. Sometimes, student thinks that some topics are more important than the others. He usually consider those questions important which were frequently repeated in the previous exams. He prepares those topics only which he thinks are important and skip the others. As a consequence, he gets low grades in exam because he is also asked those question which he skipped thinking them not important.
          Remember, exam is given in entire course not in selected areas of your course. Every lesson and every topic is equally important. You should be fully prepared. It is the will of test-maker that he can select any part of the course for giving question in exam.


Time-table is important for making effective study

Making a Time-table

Time is a precious recourse for a student. For utilizing your time more effectively, you should follow a time table. Make a time table, in which you have time for every subject of your course as well as time for refreshment and other daily activities. Some subjects needs comparatively more concentration, assign them the time in which you are more active and alert (like in morning you are more fresh). When you make your time table, paste it on wall in front of your study chair so that you can see it and follow it. The more important than making time table is, to follow it. Try to follow your time table. In beginning you may find it a little hard to follow your time table but if you follow it for a week then you will like to follow it forever.


  1. Calculate the time you have other than your school or college time and your sleep time.
  2. Suppose you come to home or hostel from your college at 2 PM.
  3.  You sleep Sleeping time is from 1 AM to 7 AM.
  4. It means that from 2 PM (when you come from college) to 1 AM (when you sleep) is the time available to you..
  5. From 2 PM to 1 AM, there are 11 hours. In these 11 hours you have to study as well as other routine activities like having meal etc.
  6. Assign time to every subject and other activities (necessary activities like game and exercise) in these 11 hours accordingly.
  7. You may allocate the last hours to the subject which are easy and need less concentration because you may be exhausted and feel sleepy in last hours.
  8. Make a table having two columns and rows and write time in one column and subject name in other column. That is your time table, start following it.
Study times vary for different students. Some students like to study in night till morning. Some students like to study in morning. It depends on student, in which time he can study well. So make time table according to your study time.


Why do students fail or get less marks in exam? - Causes

A student fails or gets less marks in exam because he does not know all the factors or does not pay attention to all the factors which make a student get high grades in exam. Student’s mental approach towards study, how much a student is particular about his study, attendance in lectures, method of preparing for exam, exam taking tactics and strategies, making good and helpful notes, direction of study, method of learning, memorizing, concentration, confidence and study related extra-curricular activities are the factors which make him succeed in exam. A brilliant student pays attention to all the factors which make him succeed in exam.
If a student fails or gets less marks in exam, he is weak in one or more of the above factors. Sometimes a student studies a lot but he gets less marks in exam because he may not be aware of test taking strategies which tells him how to express his learning in best way in exam or reproduce his learning in a good way in exam to convince the checker to give you more marks. Exam taking tactics and strategies plays a vital role. He should know how to give a good presentation on answer sheet with the help of headings, sub-headings, diagram, charts and tables. A good presentation on answer-sheet makes answer easily interpretable and appealing to checker.
It is usually heard that a student is intelligent or dull. I say, “Every student is brilliant or no student is dull if he knows all the factor for success in exam and improve all the factors. 
The main factors for the success of student in exam are as follows which are briefly explained here to give you just the idea but each is explained with full detail on this website, see the topics on left side of website.
  1. Effective and directed study. Study is not just reading, it is reading for learning. A student should know how to study effectively, how to study more in little time. Study should be directed. Directed study means that you study according to the nature of exam and according to the way it should be learnt. 
  2. How to make preparation for exam. A student should know how to make preparation for exam. Preparation for exam is not a task of day or two, it needs daily study and you should know all the tactics for preparation for exam .
  3. Making good notes. Making useful notes plays a vital role for success in exam. It helps you to learn easily and with perfection. Notes are used for revision in futures for exam.
  4. Test taking strategies. Test taking strategies show you how to present your answer on answer sheet in befitting way so that the checker give you more marks for your answers. Test taking strategies tells you all the tactics for exam like time management for each question and how to tackle different question. 
  5. Time management. Time management enables you to utilize your time more productively. Time management includes time tables and syllabus .

If a student fails or gets less marks in exam, he is weak in one or more of the above factors. If you want to be a successful student be careful about all these factors. All these factors are equally necessary for getting high marks in exam. All the above factors are explained with full detail on this website; see the topics on the left side of website.


How focus on your study?

How to build concentration for study

Concentration on work is important in all sphere of life. Effective study is only possible if you study with full attention throwing off mind all the irrelevant thoughts which interrupt in the process of learning. Concentration means to throw off mind all unnecessary thoughts and converge all the mental capabilities on a point. Normally the rays of sun do not burn a paper, because these rays are dispersed but if the rays of sun are converged on paper with the help of lens, it burns the paper at once. Similarly converging your mental capabilities enables productive study – the power of concentration.
These are the tips to improve power of concentration. 

Try to get full sleep.

Take at least six hour rest for refreshment and relaxation of your mind. A fresh mind can concentrate more easily.

Take regular exercise.

Brain takes its nutrients from blood for functioning properly. Physical exercise speeds up blood circulation to brain and brain gets well nourished as well as brain gets rid of waste products. Physical exercise is necessary for enhancing power of concentration.

Study in a place with no or less distractions.

Your study place should be free from such things which may absorb your attention, i.e television, music, changing color bulbs, maps etc. Similarly study in quiet place free from sound distractions.

Avoid multi-tasking.

While you study avoid playing with other things. Like you study as well as texting to friends on cell phone or making hair styles or one eye on television and one eye on book. Similarly study one subject in one time.

Have free mind.

Throw off your mind all the irrelevant thoughts while you study. If you are obsessed by a certain idea, try to find a solution to your problem first. Stress makes it difficult to concentrate.

Fixation of priorities.

Fixation of priorities, what should be done first and what should be done next, is very important for having full concentration in your work. If you don’t fix your priorities and work haphazardly, it is more likely you start thinking while doing one task “shouldn’t I do the other task first as that is more important”. This thought will not let you work with concentration. Make time-table for your subject and follow it.

Take short breaks in long study.

If you study for a long time, you get bore and can’t maintain concentration on work. You should refresh your mind by taking short breaks to maintain your concentration on study.

Have interest in your study.

Lack of motivation and interest leads to boredom and dividend attention so develop your interest in your studies.      

Have good breakfast.

Your breakfast should contain items with high protein content, carbohydrates and low sugar content. When you get up from sleep, have good diet though normally you should take light diet.

Don’t take too much tea or coffee.

              Tea or coffee has caffeine that gives you more strength for sometime but soon leaves you sluggish.

Concentration Exercises.

            There some exercises which improve your power of concentration i.e. yoga, self-hypnosis, looking at a round spot on wall with full attention etc. There are books on these things you can study. 


How to make good study note yourself?

Making Study Notes

Making good notes is an open secret of success of student. Making notes is a part of preparation for exam. Good Notes ensures high grades in exam. Questionnaires filled out by successful students show that 80% students attribute their success to good notes. Making good notes is a skill.

How to make good Notes.

            First let me tell, what are the properties of good notes
  • Easily understandable
  • Easily revisable
  • Save time – because you don’t have to read book again for learning them
  • Refreshes key points of lecture and book
  • Help to learn how to present answer in answer sheet in befitting way, to get more marks.
  • It contains collective information of text book, guide books and lecture.
  • Increase your interest
  • Notes are written in your own hand writing, you feel acquainted to them and you pick up easily.
  • It gives you food for thought.
There are two steps in making notes.
  • Taking Notes
  • Shaping them
Notes are usually taken from lecture of teacher and books or guide books.

Taking Notes from lecture.

  • Be alert while sitting in class. Listen to the lecture carefully.
  • Write down the key points.
  • Write down the technical terms, definitions and important information delivered by teacher. Technical terms and definition are particular, so you should have them in your notes.
  • Sometimes teacher give you addition information about a topic which may not be in your text book, do write them.
  • Teachers may use table, diagram or chart, a technique made by them to provide you easy approach to learning, do write them.

Taking Notes from text book and guide book.

  • If you have both text book and its guide book, it is better you open both for taking notes. Get focused on each sentence while you study.
  • Extract key points from each paragraph and write it down.
  • Write down the important information from book which helps to remind all the explanation attached to the topic.
  • Do write the technical terms used in book, you need to memorize these terms so your notes should contain it.
  • Write down the definitions. Definitions are very much important you can write it in your own words but you can’t its idea. So your notes should have them.

Shaping Notes.

       Notes you take from lecture may be a in a haphazard way because you have to focus on lecture to learn as well. Similarly notes taken from book may not in proper format as you have to focus on learning as well. The notes you take should be shaped in proper way so that it can be properly used in future.
Shaping notes according to the question format of exam helps you present you answer in befitting way. There are different ways to shape notes.

  • Writing in points
  • Writing in paragraphs
  • Making diagram, tables or chart
It depends on you which way you like to write your notes. But students, whose exams comprise of MCQs, prefer “writing notes in points”. On the other hand students, whose exams comprise of essay question, prefer “Writing notes in paragraphs”
What ever your method is but always remember some points for making your Notes useful.

  • Use heading and sub-headings
  • Use abbreviation and short words
  • All the lines or paragraphs should be in proper sequence
  • Skip the unnecessary explanation
  • Write in good handwriting
  • Make easy diagram or table for long description
  • Write page number on each page if you are use loose pages for making notes.
  • Notes for different subject should be separate. Never write notes for different subject on one page or in one note book which has no separation line

Keep your notes safe.

            Keep your notes in a safe place because you use it many time for revision and preparation for exam.
If you are using a note book or register for making notes, it is good. Write on each note book, the name of subject of note it contain.
              If you are making notes on loose pages, write page number on each page. Keep all pages in a folder and write name of subject on its folder.


Tips for making effective study

How to Make Effective Study Notes

Goals of preparing study notes:
            · to have all of your information you need to review in one place
            · to learn the information by copying it over

Before you put together your study notes you must:
·         Organize your handouts so that they are in chronological order.
·         Make sure you have all of your notes from class.  Make sure they 
     are in chronological order.

Once you have organized yourself, you can now put together your study notes: 
  1. Your study notes may be typed or handwritten.  They MUST be neat!

  1. Use your notebook checklist to make a list of every topic you have learned about in this chapter.  Make a list at the top of a piece of paper or create a table to fill in important information.

  1. Below those topics, make a list of terms and key information that we discussed.  
-   Review your class notes for any underlined or bolded words.
-   Review your handouts.
-   Look at your homework assignments.  Did I ask you to define or use
    any words?  If so, add those.
-   Look through the textbook again.  Are there any bold words that we
-   Are there any pictures or diagrams we discussed?
-   Look through any class reading we did.  Are there any bold words
    we discussed?

  1. For your key terms, a great idea is to create flash cards with each term on one side and a description of the term on the back. You can use these cards to study with a friend.

  1.  Go back to class notes. What are the big themes?  Write out those questions. (Then briefly write out the answers.)  Go back to handouts. Are there any new themes? If so, write out those questions. (Then briefly write out those answers.)  
  2. Think about how to summarize the information so that it is not pages long.
  3.  Go back to your homework questions.  Can you answer any these questions? (Briefly write out those answers.)
  4. Don’t depend only your lecture note make your self also by taking reference from different writer’s book.
  5. Don’t forget to make suitable picture if there, because it makes our memory long term.
  6. Questionize yourself or with your classmates about study topic in the class room.
  7. Make bar or chart of some notes which may be difficulty to remember.
  8. Read or do exercise daily.
  9. Make rememorize before  you learned.
  10. Don’t wast your valuable time by talking with your mates.
  11. …..   


Why Is The Adjuster Making Me A Low Ball Offer?

The reason is simple: because she can. After almost 25 years of representing Ohioans in auto, truck, and motorcycle accident injury claims, there is one thing I'm sure of: the relationship between you and the insurance company you're dealing with is an adversarial one. It is not a business model that's designed to be "fair" to you or transparent.

As proof of this, ask any adjuster any of these questions after they contact you: (1) Will you allow me to take a recorded statement of your insured, the person who smashed into me?  After all, they will require a recorded statement of you. (2) Will you divulge your insured's Social Security number? A standard request they will ask of you to snoop into your financial and credit history. (3) Will your insured sign an authorization allowing me to obtain his medical records both before and after the crash? You can bet they'll ask you to sign these authorizations, which give them a blank ticket to fish around in your medical history YEARS before the crash.

(4) What are your insured's liability limits? They'll ask all about your sources of insurance, such as your auto medical payments and health insurance coverage. (5) Will you pay my medical bills as they come due and reimburse me for mileage and gas for all of my doctors and therapy visits? 

As you'll soon learn, this is a one way street. You will jump through all kinds of hoops, signing all their papers, operating on faith that they'll "do the right thing...and frequently receive nothing in return from the insurance company. And be prepared to hear "company policy does not allow us to divulge that information." See how this works? How do I know this? It's one of the main reasons why people call me after getting nowhere with the insurance company.

This doesn't make the adjuster or the insurance company evil. It's just that their goal, their mission, their reason for existing, is to pay as little as possible. But it doesn't mean you have to accept it, unless you like the equivalent of slamming your head against a concrete wall.



Top abroad study destination of the world

The following is a list of the top 10 study abroad destinations for U.S. students, and it’s based on statistics from 2005. While the top spots on this list may not surprise you, you may not have expected some of the entries further down the list. We sure didn’t!

1. United Kingdom


The U.K. has long been the top study abroad destination, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out why – for English-speaking students going abroad, it’s one of the places where you don’t have to be studying a foreign language to get by. Learning a language is hard, right? So if you can get away with doing less work and still studying overseas, all the better! The U.K. is one of the most popular destinations for first-time vacationers, so it’s not surprising that it would also be popular with students.
In all seriousness, the United Kingdom offers some of the top study abroad opportunities, whether you’re talking about the bustling capital of London, Scotland’s historic capital city of Edinburgh, or any number of smaller cities and towns throughout England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. And if you’re studying theatre, literature, or history, the U.K. is a great place to be. Oh, and about the language thing – don’t assume your English will be like their English. There are differences, albeit sometimes subtle ones, that can make for some pretty entertaining exchanges.

2. Italy

Again, with Italy coming in near the top of the list for vacationers, it’s not a surprise to find it near the top of the list for students. You can easily choose to study in some of the country’s most famous cities – amazing places like Rome or Florence – but don’t limit yourself to the cities you’ve already heard of. For instance, did you know that Europe’s oldest university is in Italy? It is – but it’s not in one of the big tourist centers. Instead, it’s in Bologna. And while Pisa may be most well-known for it’s leaning tower, the city is also home to a popular university. Other Italian cities worth looking into for their study abroad programs are Verona and Milan.
One of the perks of studying in Italy is that you’re literally surrounded by history almost everywhere you go – and some of that has to seep into your brain at some point. Anyone studying Italian, fashion, history, or religion could do worse than studying in Italy.

3. Spain

Since so many college students are taking Spanish as their foreign language, it makes sense that Spain should rank so highly on a list of places to study overseas. In addition to the language-learning and other schooling reasons for spending a term or a year in Spain, there are the more travel-oriented reasons – Spain is, after all, a backpacker’s delight. The cities of Barcelona and Madrid are veritable magnets for young people, and the fact that the parties last all night is only one thing drawing them. The combination of European culture and a Mediterranean climate are just too good to pass up.
Besides Barcelona and Madrid, other popular cities to study in are Granada and Seville, but there are plenty of location around Spain which are worth looking into for your study abroad experience. Art and architecture students in particular appreciate what Spain has to offer.

4. France

France is probably the most-visited country on earth, and it receives an enormous number of study abroad participants each year. Many of those students probably head directly for Paris and don’t look back – and who can blame them? The City of Lights is romantic and magical, even on a student’s budget, but there are lots of other French cities which are great for studying in. In fact, if you get beyond Paris you’re more likely to get beyond the stereotypes.
The French don’t have the best reputation when it comes to tolerating foreigners mangling their language; but that reputation is largely an exaggeration, and isn’t that why you’re studying in France to begin with? To perfect your French language skills? Students of art, cuisine, fashion, and history are well-suited to enjoy their time studying in France.

5. Australia

Going back to the concept of studying in a place that doesn’t require English speakers to get too far outside their language comfort zone, we have another English-speaking country on the list – Australia. And again, as with the United Kingdom, although Australian English really does have its own individual language qualities, it’s certainly easier to not have to worry about an entirely different language altogether.
Sydney and Melbourne are two of the more popular cities in which to study in Australia, but Australia’s a big country. Even though the huge central region isn’t anyplace you’re going to find a university, the western city of Perth is another option if you want to get beyond where most students go. If you’re studying marine biology, you can’t do much better than to be near the Great Barrier Reef, but students of just about any subject can find lots to enjoy in Australia.

6. Mexico

Maybe you’re studying Spanish but you’re not really interested in following the student hordes to Barcelona. Whatever your reason, students of Spanish in North America definitely shouldn’t overlook the big Spanish-speaking country just south of the U.S. border. It’s a different kind of Spanish language you’ll be learning, but Mexico is a country with a rich culture and distinct history that makes it an excellent place to study abroad.
Aside from the obvious language-learning perks and the cultural immersion that you can get in Mexico, we can’t blame you if you’re also thinking that studying in Mexico makes you that much closer to some of the best Spring Break destinations on earth. Yeah, we know that’s what you’re thinking. Just make sure you get some schoolwork done, okay?

7. Germany

Students of German only have a few options when it comes to studying abroad, but that’s not why you should consider studying in Germany. It’s a fascinating country with an interesting history that leads right up into the recent memory of people you know. And because Germany has undergone so many changes in recent decades, it’s even more interesting to witness the continual changes the country is dealing with.
Berlin is one of the more popular cities in which to study in Germany, and it’s also the city that’s going through the most change – it seems to be in a perpetual state of reconstruction and revitalization these days. Munich is another popular destination, partly for its unique Bavarian culture and partly because you can’t do better than study in the city that hosts Oktoberfest every year.

8. Ireland

Yes, there’s yet another country on this list where English is the native language. Or is there? Sure, everyone in Ireland speaks English – making this a great place to study abroad if learning another language isn’t on your to-do list – but many people also speak the Irish language, so they can still talk about you without you knowing what they’re saying. Which is good for them, perhaps less good for you. Still, it might make it a more authentic study abroad experience, right?
Ireland is notorious for being a land of impossibly green landscapes, great beers, fantastically bad weather, and some of the warmest people you could hope to meet. It’s especially popular with people of Irish descent, as the Irish particularly love to meet long lost family members, but students of all kinds can excel in Ireland – just as long as you don’t require sun and sand to survive, that is.

9. China

China has been on the rise as a popular place to study abroad for many years now, probably mostly due to the country’s overall rise on the world stage as an economic power. Learning one of the Chinese languages, while incredibly challenging, is one big step on the road to international business success in the modern world – and there’s no better way to get a leg up on the language thing than going straight to the source in China.
But that international business success isn’t just about knowing the language, it’s also about knowing the intricacies of the culture, and studying in China will give you insights that others just won’t have. So in addition to the incredible experiences you’ll have as a student in China, you can also benefit greatly from your new cultural perspective later in life.


Study in the USA

Updated on Wednesday 27 June 2012
The USA has the world’s largest international student population, with nearly 700,000 students choosing to broaden their education and life experience in the United States. Nearly 4% of all students enrolled in higher-level education are international students, and the numbers are growing. From the mid-1950’s, when international student enrollment was only just reaching 35,000, international education in the USA has come a long way.
We look forward to helping students who, like you, are considering continuing your education in the United States. You will find all of the tools you need to compile your necessary research in deciding if the United States is the best place for you - we have gathered valuable information on educational, social, cultural and economic aspects of studying in the U.S.



Study in abroad

Have you considered studying abroad, but are not sure whether it's worth your time? If you ask anybody who has studied abroad, he or she will most certainly tell you that it is a life-changing experience and one of the most rewarding things he or she has ever done. Perhaps you're not certain what benefits you can reap from an extended stay in a foreign country. Here are 10 very excellent reasons why you should take the plunge:
1. Study abroad is the optimal way to learn a language. There is no better and more effective way to learn a language than to be immersed in a culture that speaks the language you are learning. You're surrounded by the language on a daily basis and are seeing and hearing it in the proper cultural context. Language learning happens most quickly under these circumstances.

2. Study abroad provides the opportunity to travel. Weekends and academic breaks allow you to venture out and explore your surroundings - both your immediate and more distant surroundings. Since studying abroad often puts you on a completely different continent, you are much closer to places you might otherwise not have had the opportunity to visit. Some more structured study abroad programs even have field trips planned in or around the curriculum.
3. Study abroad allows you get to know another culture first-hand. Cultural differences are more than just differences in language, food, appearances, and personal habits. A person's culture reflects very deep perceptions, beliefs, and values that influence his or her way of life and the way that s/he views the world. Students who experience cultural differences personally can come to truly understand where other cultures are coming from.
4. Study abroad will help you develop skills and give you experiences a classroom setting will never provide. Being immersed in an entirely new cultural setting is scary at first, but it's also exciting. It's an opportunity to discover new strengths and abilities, conquer new challenges, and solve new problems. You will encounter situations that are wholly unfamiliar to you and will learn to adapt and respond in effective ways.
5. Study abroad affords you the opportunity to make friends around the world. While abroad, you will meet not only natives to the culture in which you are studying, but also other international students who are as far from home as yourself.

6. Study abroad helps you to learn about yourself. Students who study abroad return home with new ideas and perspectives about themselves and their own culture. The experience abroad often challenges them to reconsider their own beliefs and values. The experience may perhaps strengthen those values or it may cause students to alter or abandon them and embrace new concepts and perceptions. The encounter with other cultures enables students to see their own culture through new eyes.
7. Study abroad expands your worldview. In comparison with citizens of most other countries, Americans tend to be uninformed about the world beyond the nation's boundaries. Students who study abroad return home with an informed and much less biased perspective toward other cultures and peoples.
8. Study abroad gives you the opportunity to break out of your academic routine. Study abroad is likely to be much unlike what you are used to doing as a student. You may become familiar with an entirely new academic system and you will have the chance to take courses not offered on your home campus. It's also a great opportunity to break out the monotony of the routine you follow semester after semester.
9. Study abroad enhances employment opportunities. Did you know that only 4% of U.S. undergraduates ever study abroad? Yet, the world continues to become more globalized, American countries are increasingly investing dollars abroad, and companies from countries around the world continue to invest in the international market. Through an employer's seyes, a student who has studied abroad is self-motivated, independent, willing to embrace challenges, and able to cope with diverse problems and situations. Your experience living and studying in a foreign country, negotiating another culture, and acquiring another language will all set you apart from the majority of other job applicants

10. Study abroad can enhance the value of your degree. While abroad, you can take courses you would never have had the opportunity to take on your home campus. In addition, study abroad gives your language skills such a boost that it is normally quite easy to add a minor in a language or even a second major without having to take many more additional courses after the return to your home campus.


Does A Prior Felony Conviction Affect My Ohio Car Accident Claim?

What does a prior felony conviction have to do with your Ohio auto accident injury claim? Plenty, if your felony conviction was a "crime of dishonesty."  Under our rules of evidence, convictions for crimes of dishonesty are admissible to "impeach the credibility" of any witness, and that includes you if you take the stand and testify in your Ohio personal injury claim.

What is a "crime of dishonesty?" Theft, perjury, falsification (filing a false police report), and criminal fraud are just a few of these crimes. Bascially, this rule of evidence allows the party you've filed a lawsuit against to argue that you may be dishonest as to how the accident happened or your injuries testimony because of a history of prior acts of dishonesty--known in legal talk as "impeaching your credibility."

Whether you think that's fair or not, that's the law. I guess it's the law's way of saying that there are certain spillover consequences for dishonesty. But it also applies equally to the defendant in any personal injury lawsuit who has a past history of similar crimes.

In any event, it is a standard question any Ohio personal injury victim can be expected to answer from his or her attorney, and the other party's lawyer as well.


Top 10 universities of the world

Following is the list of top 10 universities in the world 2012
1. Harvard University
Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts, The United States
Year Established: 1636
Reputation Score: 100.0
President: Drew Gilpin Faust
Academic staff: 2107

2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts, The United States
Year Established: 1861 (opened 1865)
Reputation Score: 87.2
President: Susan Hockfield
Academic staff: 1,018

3. University of Cambridge
Location: Cambridge, England, the United Kingdom
Year Established: 1209
Reputation Score: 80.7
Chancellor: The Lord Sainsbury of Turville
Academic staff: 5,846

4. Stanford University
Location: Stanford, California,The United States
Year Established: 1891
Reputation Score: 72.1
President: John L. Hennessy
Academic staff: 1,910

5. University of California Berkeley
Location: Berkeley, California,The United States
Year Established: March 23, 1868
Reputation Score: 71.6
Chancellor: Robert J. Birgeneau

6. University of Oxford
Location: Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, UK
Year Established: 1096 or earlier
Reputation Score: 71.2
Chancellor: The Rt. Hon. Lord Patten of Barnes

7. Princeton University

Location: Princeton, New Jersey, United States
Year Established: 1746
Reputation Score: 37.9
President: Shirley M. Tilghman
Academic staff: 1,172

8. University of Tokyo
Location: Bunkyō, Tokyo, Japan
Year Established: 1877
Reputation Score: 35.6
President: Junichi Hamada
Academic staff: 5,779

9. University of California Los Angeles
Location: Los Angeles, California, United States
Year Established: 1919
Reputation Score: 33.8
Chancellor: Gene D. Block
Academic staff: 4,016

10. Yale University
Location: New Haven, Connecticut, United States
Year Established: 1701
Reputation Score: 32.4
President: Richard C. Levin
Academic staff: 3,619


Study Area:

Study Area:
Training areas on: Agriculture, Construction, Health, Mechanical, Electrical, Tourism, Instructor, Hotel Management, Mountaineering Management, Food Processing, Vegetable production, Sanitation and others

Program Types:
TSLC, Diploma, Vocational, Short term training for Junior and Senior Level


Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

Course Title Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Category Diploma
Duration 36 Months
Cost Range(NRs.) 0
Academic Year Semester
Evaluation Method Percentage
Affiliated to Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT)
Faculty Engineering, Architecture and Transportation Studies

Course Description
The Mechanical Engineering graduates will be expert in operating and assembling various machines, making maintenance, plumbing, steel fabrication, maintenance of automobiles etc.

The graduates in this stream will get job opportunity in various fields such as ministerial and departmental office, corporation, industry, private workshop etc. It is probable for the graduates to get job in foreign employment and technical institutions as well.


Diploma in Architecture Engineering

Course Title Diploma in Architecture Engineering
Category Diploma
Duration 36 Months
Cost Range(NRs.) NA
Academic Year Semester
Evaluation Method Percentage
Affiliated to Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT)
Faculty Engineering, Architecture and Transportation Studies

Course Description
The Architecture Department provides complete design and drawing facilities to each student. The students have the opportunity to gain competence in both hand-drawing and computer graphics to enable them to excel in the competitive commercial world.

The course in this program includes academic and practical classes with emphasis on individualized instruction and supervision. Field trips, site visits, and exposure to visiting professors and practicing architects and engineers from different backgrounds broaden the students' understanding and experience. A full semester of practical work in an architect's office helps to prepare the student for the real world of professional work.

After completion of this cource a student will able to do drawing and data presentation chart, supervision for construction of house, employment areas exist in various department of government office, physical planning, municipalities, engineering and architecture consultenancy firm.


Diploma in Electronics Engineering

Course Title Diploma in Electronics Engineering
Category Diploma
Duration 36 Months
Cost Range(NRs.) NA
Academic Year Semester
Evaluation Method Percentage
Affiliated to Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT)
Faculty Engineering, Architecture and Transportation Studies

Course Description
Last three decades have witnessed phenomenal growth in electronics and communication, from lines to microwave and broadband communication. The growth is expected to be still more vigorous, involving higher levels of sophistication, technology and skills in the days to come. This has created avenues for specialized manpower who could be engaged in design, development, operation and maintenance of electronic circuits and devices for diverse communication needs.

After completion of this cource a student will gain knowledge in basic electronics field and will be able to repair television,radio nad telecommunication euuipment, electrical equipment like transformer,solar energy system and computer.Employment avenues exist in radio,television,telecommunication and airlines in both public and private sectors. Self employment opportunities aer also rapidly increasing in this field.

Creatively use their background in basic sciences and mathematics in solving engineering problems.
Communicate effectively and to act with social and professional responsibility in their encounter with those inside and outside the engineering profession in an international level.
Creative, critical and model-based thinking and problem solving.
Ability to do research on important scientific and technical problems.
Innovatively use computers as a tool for simulation, analysis, design, computing and control.
Ability to function effectively in multidisciplinary research and development teams.
Use their expertise in certain areas of electrical engineering in solving engineering problems.
Ability to disseminate knowledge and publish research findings.
Design and carry out experiments with systems and instruments of various complexities and analyse their findings.
Use their expertise in certain areas of electrical engineering in solving engineering problems.


Diploma in Computer Engineering

Course Title Diploma in Computer Engineering
Category Diploma
Duration 36 Months
Cost Range(NRs.) NA
Academic Year Semester
Evaluation Method Percentage
Affiliated to Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT)
Faculty Engineering,Architecture and Transportation Studies
IT, Computing Studies & Technology

Course Description
Computer engineers are involved with the design, implementation, and application of computing systems and networks. They apply electrical engineering techniques and computer science concepts to develop dependable, cost-effective hardware and software systems. With computers being so prevalent in society, computer engineering has become the fastest growing area within engineering. By 2010, computer and electrical engineering are expected to become the two largest segments within the engineering profession. It is also a field that offers a wide variety of challenging, interesting work, including research, design, and development of hardware and software, as well as the electronic or software components that comprise typical computer systems.

After completion of this cource a student will gain knowledge in computer langauge programming,software as well as computer hardware and information technology. With the development of the IT in the present work every department in the government as well as in the private sector needs the service of a computer programmer and computer engineer.

Creatively use their background in basic sciences and mathematics in solving engineering problems.
Communicate effectively and to act with social and professional responsibility in their encounter with those inside and outside the engineering profession in an international level.
Creative, critical and model-based thinking and problem solving.
Ability to do research on important scientific and technical problems.
Innovatively use computers as a tool for simulation, analysis, design, computing and control.


Diploma in Computer Hardware/Network Engineering

Course Title Diploma in Computer Hardware/Network Engineering
Category Diploma
Duration 48 Months
Cost Range(NRs.) NA
Academic Year Yearly
Evaluation Method Percentage
Affiliated to Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT)
Faculty IT, Computing Studies & Technology

Course Description
Diploma in Computer Hardware/Network Engineering is a degree eligible for National Skill Certificate-3rd Level Examination, awarded by CTEVT, National Skill Testing Board (NSTB). It is fully professional and world-wide accredited course. This course comprises of 1 year College study Plus 3 Years of Field/Project Work.


Diploma in Electrical Enginnering

Course Title Diploma in Electrical Enginnering
Category Diploma
Duration 36 Months
Cost Range(NRs.) NA
Academic Year Semester
Evaluation Method Percentage
Affiliated to Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT)
Faculty Engineering, Architecture and Transportation Studies

Course Description
Traditionally Electrical Engineering is considered to deal with the problems associated to large scale electrical systems, such as, electricity generation, transmission and utilization while electronics is concerned with low voltage applications in computers, communication systems and integrated circuits. The advancements in power transmission system and diverse uses of electricity in different walks of life have created demand for blending in these two disciplines and developing breeds ofengineers who have knowledge and skills in both the areas.

After completion of this course student will gain knogledge in basic principles of electricity, electrical circuit and machine operation, small hydropower operation and maintenance, maintenance of home appliances. Industrial Electricity maintaining, Supervision of power transamission and distribution, generation, alternative/renewable energy projects, communication, manufacturing and service sectors. Employment opportunity exist in Electricity Authority, Industries, Hotels, Airlines, Telecommunication, Provide hydropower project etc.


Diploma in Civil Engineering

Course Title Diploma in Civil Engineering
Category Diploma
Duration 36 Months
Cost Range(NRs.) NA
Academic Year Semester
Evaluation Method Percentage
Affiliated to Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT)
Faculty Engineering, Architecture and Transportation Studies

Course Description
The nature of many civil engineering projects means that there is a need for today's engineers to have a good understanding of construction management due to the strategic benefits it can bring to both individuals and project teams. As the industry becomes more competitive, organisations and their clients are increasingly demanding the combined time, cost and quality assurances that good project management practice provides. Furthermore, the industry now recognises that there is a need for engineers to gain specialist technical knowledge which compliments their academic and professional background. These observations form the basis of the Diploma in Civil Engineering and Construction Management; an essential core of construction management material augmented by a broad range of specialist civil engineering options.

Civil engineers work with structures.They design and supervise the construction of bridges,highways,dams,building,airports,harbors,flood control systems and vast array of projects that affect the quality of life for millions of people worldwide. Civil engineers today are designing methods and facilities to cope with many of our planet's most serious problems. In the face of foul air; decaying cities; roadways,and bridges; clogged airports and highways; polluted streams, rivers and lakes, the civil engineer is being called on to design solutions that are workable and cost-effective. It is a good,creative and profitable proffesion.

After completion of this cource a student will gain knowledge in drawing, surveying,estimation and supervision of various civil engineering works.Employment avenues exists in various government department like road irrigation & communication, NCCN and various engineering cinsuling firms, water supply and in private construction companies as well.


PCL in General Medicine

Course Title PCL in General Medicine
Category Diploma
Duration 36 Months
Cost Range(NRs.) NA
Academic Year Yearly
Evaluation Method Percentage
Affiliated to Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT)
Faculty Health,Medical and Allied Science

Course Description
Middle level health care providers are the backbone of the government health care delivery system. Indeed, health assistants are the junior and all round physicians. They serve as medical, surgical, gynecological, obstetrics, pediatrics and other health care consultants. They are also the foundation for public health programs. The course is designed especially for fulfillment of lower level physicians in Nepal.
