Learning Process

Creating and organizing a learning scenario or environment is learning process. It is concerned with the dynamic views of learning as well as the sequences. Modern point of view see learning process as a complex process where an individual processes information and keeps it in mind and performs the actions with the information. As we know, that learning is a behavioral change which results from the experience achieved by individual by responding with the environment. Hence we can say that learning is not a product but a process. Learning is a process that goes through certain and specific steps. To better understand a students learning, a teacher should be aware of the following learning steps:
This is the factor which drives a person to perform actions. Goals can be urges, which creates unlimited needs, which motivates the learner interact with the surrounding environment and achieve his/her targets. It can be viewed as the fulfillment of needs through satisfaction. In a learning process, learner may wish to learn new things which are required for him to make the performance in a right order. When learning is taken as the goal oriented, and then it will direct the learner to face the stimuli. Hence, learner should have a specific goals and aims in his/her life. Person without goals and aims are considered as animal in our society.
A person can be seen or viewed with various stimuli in the form of object or symbols to which he performs or responds selectively through his/her sensory organs: Ear, Nose, Eyes, Tongue and Skins. This guides individual to decide which stimuli to perform or which stimuli to apply or which new behavior to learn. A teacher needs to help learner in the selection and arrangement of learning stimuli by providing maximum opportunity. This can help learner to identify their stimuli and they can easily select the best one or needed ones from them.  

Perception is the process whereby individual select, organizes and interprets the stimuli and obtains meaning from such stimuli. In other word, process of absorbing stimuli in an organized and meaningful can be taken as perceiving. After the selection of suitable stimuli, an individual organizes and interprets it in a more meaningful way. Hence, we can say that individuals’ behavior is affected by the manner in which a person perceives.


Definition of Learning

It has been seen that there has been a general consensus among behavioral philosopher that learning can only be defined as the relative change in the behavior as a result of experience or reinforced practice. Some changes in behavior might be some directly observed actions or the way person feel and thinks toward something. Learning is viewed as the change in the cognitive structure or giving meaning to them by the cognitive theorist.
Learning can be discussed as the mental activity by which person’s knowledge, skills, perceptions, attitudes and ideas are acquired. This will result in the behavioral modification. Hence, the term learning can be seen as the change or modification of a learner that s/he undergoes during his/her life which is a result of the practice or experience. Practice only can make a man perfect. So, when a person performs something repeatedly then he can be expert in that thing. When arouse the behavior can be repeated. Hence, we can say that learning should be purposeful and can be relatively permanent.
According to Crow and Crow, learning can be seen as the habit of acquisition of knowledge and attitudes. Further, it might include doing things in a right way. Learning operates in an individual’s attempt to challenge the obstacles. Also it can be used as a way to adjust according to the changing world. Hence, we can say that learning is the process of adapting new habits, skills and knowledge in a sum that helps the individual to perform something that he could not do before the learning process.

Then how do we learn? To answer this question we have to know the process of learning. When we face such problems we have to consider different factors that are involved in human learning. So in order to solve such difficulties we need to get into the field of Educational Psychology for help. Thus, in order to fully understand the learning we have to deeply study the learning processes which are concerned with dynamic behavior of individuals.


Nature of learning

We are very much familiar with the term “learning.” We have used it so many times in our lives that it has become a vital part of our vocabulary. Everything we do is learning. One might come across with expressions such as: “Now I know how to solve arithmetic problem,” or “I am able to ride motor-bike,” I have learnt how to swim,” or “I can dance on every songs,” or “I have developed my football skills.” Such expressions show an indication of some skills or knowledge or attitudes acquired by the individual. In other words, learning becomes the first step for any behavior. As we know that every aspect of human behavior is the response to the learning experience that he gains by interacting with the scenario or environment.
Now questions may arise, when did actually learning start? The answer is learning starts as soon as the new born child open his/her eyes. At that time, the child already becomes aware of its current environment to which it responds by crying. The child responds to the environment as the environment may be too cold or too hot for him/her. They show some physiological changes while crying. Most human behaviors are achieved through the medium of learning. It is true that, every human action is the response to its learning experience and he gains more and more experience and becomes expert in such field. For example, let us take the example of division of work or batch production. In such systems, every individual are assigned with a unique task. Stitchery is given only stitches work; tailor is given only sewing work, etc in garment factory. When the individual works again and again he will get the knowledge and skills with his experience.

An individual’s learning continues throughout his life. A child’s learning process continues through the different phase, he will learn how to suck milk, smile, cry, crawl, stand, walk and speak, etc. Hence, learning is the hand to hand process. Learning is not only for the development of society but it is for the survival for the society. 
