"YOU'LL SHOOT YOUR EYE OUT!" (A True Case Of Injury With A Red Rider BB Gun)

File this one under the "strange but true" category. While researching Ohio law recently, I stumbled upon an actual Ohio case involving--I'm not kidding--an eye injury to a child from a Red Rider BB gun (those of you unfamiliar with "A Christmas Story" will have no idea what the significance of that fact is at this point, but maybe the video clip will clue you in). Apparently there was some horseplay amongst some minor children and one child accidently shot another with the BB gun.

As it turns out, Ralphie's Mom in the movie ("You'll shoot your eye out!") was right after all. In honor of that movie (one of my favorites of all time), and in the spirit of holiday safety, I feel compelled to bring this case to the attention of the Internet world...

Mom's advice aside, I have to side with the Dad who bought the BB gun for Ralphie. If Dad doesn't buy the gun, the Bumpass' dogs never would have eaten the Christmas turkey, the Parker family would have never been introduced to "Chinese turkey," and the ending of the movie would have been downright lousy. Long live Ralphie Parker and his Red Rider "Peacemaker."


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