How To Protect Yourself Against Dishonest Attorneys

Recently, Ohio's Client Security Fund awarded approximately $267,000 to 33 Ohioans victimized last year by dishonest and unethical attorneys. It's no news flash to suggest that there are some bad apples out there that stain our profession.


How do you as a legal consumer avoid these bad actors? In my opinion, folks in need of legal services are looking for two major things: competence and trustworthiness. So where are you going to find those attributes in an attorney? Through the phone book or (even worse) TV ads? Well, good luck with that. Just take a look at either, and you'll realize they all spew the same tired and totally meaningless platitudes like "experienced," "committed," "caring," "aggressive," "will fight for you," and the obligatory throw in: the "free consultation." Helpful? Ask this: what attorney in his or her right mind would take out an ad that said: "I'm inexperienced, lazy, not aggressive, and don't really care about you, but I want your business?"

Bottom line: attorney advertising is basically useless in your search for someone who will competently and ethically take care of your legal problem. The book, “Your Ohio Accident” explains how you should search for an attorney, what questions to ask, and what information you should be given before you hire one (available for FREE on our website by simply clicking on the book cover). Cookie cutter phone book ads and insulting TV spots should be the last place you look. I wonder how many of the attorneys who ripped off Ohio clients to the tune of almost $300,000 had one of those “committed” or “caring” phone book ads……


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