Maximizing Prospect Communication with College Coaches

Effective communication between prospects and college coaches can be a critical component in the final choice in the college search. That being the case, prospects should try to cultivate this skill early on in an effort to demonstrate their willingness to be an equal partner in the coach-prospect relationship.
If your mission is clear, the manner in which you communicate becomes the vehicle that will move your college search plan forward in your chosen direction. On the other hand, ill-prepared communication can cause confusion and misdirection. Your ship moves, but with a weak rudder.

The manner in which you present yourself is a direct reflection of who you are and trust me…It will be picked up early on and regularly by college coaches and good recruiters. Realizing you have the ability and obligation to be proactive in this effort not only gives you the chance to register regularly and in good form on the radar of the college coaches, it gives you the opportunity to establish the tone and the direction of what can be a productive relationship.

Develop and maintain a regular awareness and understanding of NCAA contact rules. For example, July 1 was the first opportunity for most college coaches to initiate phone and off-campus face to face contact with rising senior prospects, but developing an understanding that you may call or e-mail a coach at any time, with rare exceptions is critical. The important point here is to practice “persistence with respect” when communicating with coaches. This will give you a better chance in grabbing their attention.

Many prospects get the jitters even thinking about speaking with college coaches and trust me…You’re not alone. College coaches are grounded, down to earth and caring men and women who want you to find the right college match. That aside, they can be brutally honest at times and deliver information you might not want to hear. “Honesty” is the mantra for a college coach and a good recruiter.

Remind yourself regularly that you “own the results of every action you execute in the recruiting process and practice communicating like you would practice anything else in your life that matters. You will never be perfectly prepared to meet and speak with coaches, but you want to always “lean” in a prepared direction. If you falter or stumble when communicating with coaches, simply find your way back to center. Coaches aren’t concerned about the hiccups; they want to see how you recover.

Remember, when college coaches evaluate, they use 3 simple factors to size up a prospect: Academic strength, athletic ability and depth of character. The character component is a grey area coaches like to navigate. They are gut thinkers and who you are on the inside will be easily revealed to college coaches by the manner in which you communicate.

If there is a proverbial “red flag” when it comes to communication, it would be prospects who reach out to coaches with no real agenda. Coaches are looking for information that will drive your chances in remaining in the “A” recruiting file. Whether it is news about improved scores on your ACT exam, or results from a select tournament, give the coaches something that has “grip” and you will improve your chances in boosting your ranking on the recruiting chart.

I use the term “striking a balance in communication” to help develop awareness in prospects and families that effective communication with college coaches is important for two reasons. First, by offering well thought out information that is pertinent to the college search, the prospect sends a clear message to college coaches that a he is well prepared. Secondly, coaches are keen about the importance of time management, and considering the hundreds of potential prospects they work with at any given time; coaches appreciate and remember the effort prospects make in using communication as an effective recruiting tool.

The college recruiting process is not a sprint, it’s a marathon. It should be an effort that is tactical, well planned and with the aim of cultivating sincere relationships with the college coaches. Prospects who embrace this tool as an important part of their recruiting arsenal will give themselves the greatest chance in becoming an integral part of the final decision.


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