The Importance of Health Insurance

 The Importance of Health Insurance

Everyone without exception has always wanted to be in a healthy condition. Lifestyle balanced between good diet, exercise, and adequate rest is one of the key so that we are not only healthy, but physically strong. Nevertheless, the possibility that we will always be pain, therefore it is important for us to prepare the costs that we will spend when this pain. support of this is the need of health insurance. Like what health insurance is and what facilities we used to get ? lets discuss !

Who needs health protection ? Everyone, from the newborn to the elderly. Why so? Because anyone can be exposed to the risk of illness, regardless of age, gender, or type of job.

What is covered by health insurance ? For insurance purchased per scarecrow or family, usually the cost of inpatient care in a hospital covered by insurance. Some insurance companies do offer protection for outpatient costs as well, however the insurance premiums to be higher. the insurance obtained from the office ( kind of group insurance ) is much broader in scope, from outpatient, inpatient, and delivery fees.
What type of health insurance ? there are two types, namely in the form of cashless and compensation. Essentially cashless health insurance benefits are not issued in the form of money, but the insurance company directly pays the costof our health to the hospital. the cashless system is also known as the card system, because we will be given a card that will be used if we are to be admitted to a referral hospital insurance company. The second system is a system of compensation, meaning that when we go to the hospital, the insurance company will credit the daily allowance in accordance with the values ;that we have to protect our accounts.

When viewed from the translation of the above, there is no reason not to have health protection, yes. But maybe you are still confused to choose the right protection for themselves and their families. the following tips can help choose the right health insurance :

Select the pure health insurance
Pure here means the insurance plan is not an investment. characteristic of insurance that are pure is charred, no return that we get, and when the insurance premium is paid, then all the protection that was charred. this applies both to insurance cashless nature and the nature of compensation.
Selecting health insurance is purely in terms of the cost will be cheaper and also achieving the goal of being optimal. example, you are 30 years old who want to have a cashless health protection for the room Rp 750 thousand, the estimated annual premium is Rp 3. 8 million per year. reasonable, right ?

Adjust your needs and budget
this we need to consider. each person may have different comfort in choosing a hospital, choose the type of room. therefore, not only because of low premiums and then we chose the cheapest room type. as a result, at the time actually in the hospital, and had to go to the room that may contents 6 people - for example - we finally decided remedy into a room for 2 people. as a result, we have to add the cost of its own and becomes optimal protection.
Of course this needs to be adjusted budget. example, if the annual premium for a room Rp 750 thousand is too expensive for mommies, maybe we can lower the protection for a room Rp 500 thousand. estimated annual premium to Rp 3. 4 million per year.

The company and insurance agent
Find a good insurance company, in the sense that they have long engaged in the insurance world, especially in indonesia. Because the credibility of the service companies - not to mention the insurance companies - we can not ignore. Obviously we do not want to buy products from companies that can not be trusted.
It is also important to choose an agent that has long career in the insurance, because they will have a broad knowledge and also in the products they offer, so we can get enough information before we buy the product.

Benefit from office
You, try to check, the health benefits obtained from the office either owned or where your wife works. take a look at the value, what scope of protection, the value is pretty or not. If the value is enough, no need to buy individual health protection again. but if not enough, then we can provide additional protection for us and the family. Remember, yea, pure nature protection value forfeited. If we did not have to buy their own, then the value of the premium that we can switch to justify the investment.
So, protect your family with health insurance, okey!


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