Tips for Choosing a Good Insurance Company
Tips for Choosing a Good Insurance Company - Insurance is actually very important for our life, now because of the importance of insurance, then on occasion ini.Penyedia or so many insurance companies in Indonesia, due to too much, then sometimes it is hard to choose the provider or insurance company which best
The thing to keep in mind that in choosing a private insurance company, then that should be considered in general are three factors: First, the financial strength (security). Second, service (service). And third, the cost.
In the article there is an explanation that insurance, the financial strength of insurance related to the company's financial ability to fulfill its promise if the situation requires. It is important to know, because not a few insurance companies are looking at the flashy exterior. For example storey building, good directors vehicles. But when there claims from customers, the company is unable to pay.
In assessing the financial strength of these there are several benchmarks that need to be considered.
Assets and liabilities. It can be seen from the consolidated balance sheet is published in the newspaper. See also, whether planted in the current investment or longterm. In terms of liability (ability to pay off liabilities) will look at the balance sheet, how the debts by reinsurers, how he fulfilled his obligation to pay claims, and so forth.
Indicators of net liabilities include equity (own capital) divided by net premiums (net premiums) of at least 50%. Own capital divided by gross premium (gross premium) of at least 20%. Limit the level of solvency, as seen from its own capital divided by net premiums of at least 10% and investment funds technical reserves divided by at least 100%.
Underwriting Policy. In the balance sheet and annual report will be seen that the insurance is still a profit, or profit growth. This means its underwiting polcy good.
Underwriting Policy. In the balance sheet and annual report will be seen that the insurance is still a profit, or profit growth. This means its underwiting polcy good.
Its underwriters. Insurance has personnel qualified or not. It is known from the profile of companies that includes the underwriters him.
For that, there are many types of insurance that you can choose and pertimbangkan.Jangan too trusting with seduction and an explanation of the insurance agents, but how can you get advice or guidance on-menereus from agents regarding your insurance.
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