Purposes of Education

In order to understand a man and his behavior education is the most important factor. Hence, it facilitates the better society by providing needed insight and knowledge to the new generations. Education is the basic way to bring about a social reform and progress or development. Dewey describes nutrition and reproduction as the basis for physiological life and education for social life. Education is the way by which culture and traditions are transformed and are being currently transmitted. Education releases the mind of individual and provides them a power to have a destiny and a right path to achieve it in their life.
When a child is provided with the knowledge and experience with the help of education then the society can gain the best result from that child. With this society will gate future leaders with the help of education. The main aim or purpose of education is to make a person socially responsible who knows the purpose of their existence and helps them to carry out their abilities, his and social obligations for the family, community and nation. Nowadays with the rise of democracy, education has been taken as the basic right of each and every right of children.
Education can make a person adjust in the society where s/he in return can give some favour. For example, a doctor can cure the ill people in the society, engineer help the society in constructing qualitative infrastructures, teacher helps other to guide and learn and many more. If such resources can be fully or properly utilized then a poor nation will not be poor. As we have seen that most of the poor country have a high rate if illiteracy. Hence, government as well as society and every individual should actively participate in order to create a learning environment. We should view learning as the earning. Education is the only thing in the world which is unlimited. Other natural resources like oil, water, air are limited and will vanish when used one after another. When education is used in that way it will increase and will not decrease. Hence, it is the only medium to create a better society to live.


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