
The term “realism” was originally originated from the word “real.” Further, the word “real” was originated from the word “Res.” This term means object. This doctrine helps to retreat from the reality of the ideas of the world. It believes that what we see and experience in this world is the reality. According to realists, this world is natural rather than supernatural. They argued that world is what it should be today. With the help of natural laws the physical universe is being running and operated. Greek philosopher (322-384 B C) Aristotle is known as the father of realism.
This philosophy of realism was developed to resist and balance the philosophy of naturalism and idealism. Naturalism and idealism philosophy mainly focuses on absolute nature and spiritualism by undermining the scientific inventions. On the contrary, idealists have tried to discover this world with the help of new scientific inventions and scientific methods. They mainly argue that what we can feel, see and touch are real and true and they can be considered as real.
With the help of rapid scientific inventions growth at twentieth century in the Western countries realism was developed. Herbert Spencer and Thomas Huxley mainly believed that discovery method of learning. They argued that experience is the major source for knowledge and it can be continuously achieved through new discovery and inventions.
Realists believe that preparing for complete living was the main aim of education. Education needs to equip learners with the required knowledge and skills. They need to understand and master their physical environment so that s/he can live a happy life.  The main aim of education is to prepare their children for the complete life in the future with the help new inventions and science.

Spencer believes that aims and function of education should be to make effective living in a society rather than just transferring cultural heritage. 


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