Philosophy of Education

The term philosophy was really originated from the Greek word Philosophia. The word Philosophia is composed of two words: Philos and Sophia. The term Philos means search for something or love and the term Sophia means the knowledge and intelligence. Thus, the literal meaning of the term Philosophia is “love of wisdom” or “search for knowledge and lights.” Great philosophers like Socrates, Plato and Aristole devoted their entire life in search of knowledge of truth and wisdom. Socrates in his book Apology believes that, education can make soul of human being as good as possible. The truth about the existence of being itself – an understanding about who he is and what he is and can anyone help other to know well from evil.
Socrates claimed that the self-knowledge will determine the name of wisdom. Plato describes reality as the two worlds which are: world of knowledge and world of opinion. According to Plato the world of knowledge is fully real and can be apprehended only by reasons. On the other hand the world of opinion is not real but wholly unreal either and this can be apprehended only through sensation and cannot be identified. Rerinald admits that, “The moral ideal for men was to attain to knowledge, thereby introducing the beauty and order of the Devine into their souls, and, hopefully into society as well.” In addition Aristole believed that the nature plays an important role in the existence of social authority.
Philosophy is all about belief or specification about nature or value of things. Further, it produces a way of belief or view which is considered as the ultimate truth through the systematic logical thinking.  In addition, Philosophy can help us to know and understand the nature of man and truth about the man. Questions such as: “What is nature? What is life? What is goal of human being? What is the ultimate truth? And why human being exists in this world?” helps us to find the nature and reality of a person.
Dewey believes that philosophy starts its journey from uncertainty and that is significant in experience and it mainly seeks to provide meaning of our lives. As noted by Dewey, “Philosophy might also be described as thinking which has become conscious itself.”
In our society education has been really influenced by general philosophy of life. Factors such as religions, traditions and customs, perceptions and attitudes, human physiology, socio-political conditions of the nation, degree of technological advancement and advancement of invention and science has influenced the philosophy of life. For example, the philosophy of education in a theological nation and the secular state has different meanings for sure.  
Then how can we define the relationship between philosophy and education?
For the development of aims and values of education, philosophy plays a key role. Education can be takes as the laboratory where we apply our theories into practical like philosophic become concrete and tested. According to Dewey, “philosophy may be explained as the general theory of education.”


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